O’Thoth, take me to Ashmunin (Hermopolis) to the joyous city where it is pleasant to live….to the well for one who thirsts in the desert’
Cited in Hymns, prayer and songs, Foster
Cultural & creative residencies
1- Archaeological & Cultural Tourism Retreats
New Hermopolis lies within walking distance from its ancient counterpart in Tuna El Gebel village and 6 Km from Ashmunin (20 KM from the main town of Mallawi/ 320 kilometres from Cairo). The area is central to many archaeological and historical treasures, including the famous site of Akhenaten City (El Amarna) and the beautiful middle Kingdom Tombs at Bani Hassan. It Is also on the famous Holy Family Path into Egypt (UNESCO World Heritage) equidistant from the Virgin Mary Monastry at Gabal El Tair, Minia & the one at Deir El- Muharraq Assiut.
Hermopolis as a geo-spiritual part of Egypt, has revealed itself from the beginning as a space of harmony & creativity that had a vision for humanity. It has a connection with Akhenaten’s conceptual city represented in the Hermetic reformation movement of the ‘Rosicrucian’s’ where Akhenaten became almost a revered prophet figure. (Rosicrucian’s Tours)
Hermopolis was also recognized as a pilgrimage site in Egyptian literature up to the early part of 20th Century. It is well known that in ancient times it was on the sacred pilgrimage route to Abydos and has connections to Osiris mysteries (Abydos Pilgrimage Tours)
Hermopolis has as well a connection with Panopolis (Akhmim) where the father of Alchemy ‘Zosimus’ was born and is still recognized for being an important Hermetic/ Gnostic/Alchemical & Sufi Centre. (Alchemical/ Transformational & Sufi tourism).
2- Ancient Wisdom & Spirituality Retreats
3- Study & Learned Societies Retreats
The notion of ’ideas’ as heritage is yet to receive the attention it deserves when issues of human heritage is discussed. We offer a space for the study in ancient philosophical studies as well as tours.
As well as organising specific tours to sites connected with this philosophy. This is bound to show how knowledge was produced and transmitted across time and place thus creating new tourist attractions and alternative itineraries based on the routes travelled by ideas.
4- Seshat Writing Retreats& art retreats
At the core of the New Hermopolis project is the dream of transforming it into a ‘Creative Community’, a place where people can come together (locals and visitors) to create something beautiful and see it grow. We offer ‘Creative Writing Retreats’ to celebrate the power of the ‘Creative Word’, the very essence of ancient Hermopolis as well as Art Residencies & Symposia.
Thoth’s Festival
Several of our cultural activities were performed and showcased within our annual Thoth’s Festival which took place for the first time in Oct. 2015. This is a revival of an ancient Egyptian one that celebrated the Lord of the Word’ Thoth’ who conveyed to humanity all art and knowledge. Our Thoth’s Festival is planned to become the first international literary festival in Egypt by 2023.